“The family remains with us wherever we go. Unresolved emotional reactivity to our parents is the most important unfinished business of our lives.”
- Michael Nichols

Families are complex and dynamic. It is in our families that we first learn how to be in relationships with others. Understanding how different family members attach meaning to their own experiences, as well as to the experiences of others in the family, opens up opportunities for intervention and positive change. Courtney’s approach to family therapy magnifies possibilities for understanding family histories, processes, patterns of interaction, beliefs, and assumptions that inform the dynamic challenges of families.

Courtney works with families facing a full range of challenges including:

  • Life-cycle transitions
  • Parenting
  • Separation/divorce
  • Re-marriage/blended families/adoption
  • Sibling relationships
  • Caretaking/aging parents
  • Addiction/families in recovery
  • Illness
  • Grief and Loss